I seldom ever just GIVE my wife presents for celebratory occasions. It means so much more if there's a personal "gimmick" that goes along with the gift. I had 3 pictures turned into puzzles. One of our property, one of our storage building (on the property), and a third of the lobby/entrance of the storage building. I then mixed the pieces of all three puzzles together along with a small blacklight. Using invisible ink I had circled the location in the lobby where here presents were hidden along with one digit of a combination for the lockbox holding her gifts (there was one combo digit per puzzle). She had to sort the pieces of the puzzles, then assemble the puzzles, then use the assorted clues in the pictures to arrange them from large to small, then shine the blacklight to get the combo and retrieve her birthday presents. SHE LOVED THE TREASURE HUNT! Piczzle helped me make this birthday surprise an astounding success.